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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

When To Do Maintenance on Your Furnace

6/25/2024 (Permalink)

Electrician working on wires Furnace repair

Preventative fire cleaning on your home furnace in Waterloo, OK, is important to ensure it functions correctly and doesn’t cause fire damage. While many people suggest hiring a maintenance professional to inspect annually, there are some things you can do yourself as well to ensure you system runs efficiently.

Replace Filters Regularly

Dirt can be a big problem for heating and cooling systems, by lowering efficiency and burning extra fuel. Keep the system clean by vacuuming around the unit regularly and changing the filter monthly or whatever time-frame is recommended by the manufacturer.
Leaving old filters to sit for too long will add stress to the compressor and can eventually result in mechanical failures. Not only that, the dirt and debris will get recirculated through your home which can cause allergies and disease. It’s also important to do additional fire cleaning on heaters, radiators, and warm-air registers, while also ensuring they’re not blocked.

Maintenance Before Cold Weather

Many homeowners call a professional to do a yearly inspection and fire cleaning on their furnace before the heating season to confirm the system is clean and performing in the most efficient way possible. Here are a few steps you can take yourself to keep your bills low while staying warm:

Calibrate the thermostat. The correct calibration can be lost from excess dirt or being moved around. A furnace maintenance professional can check this annually, or you can replace it with a computerized one.
Clean and adjust the burners to improve efficiency, and check for any rust accumulation.
Reverse ceiling fans to a clockwise rotation to help push warm air down, especially if you have tall ceilings.
Seal any air leaks and all air ducts, especially in the attic or crawl spaces. Metal tape and insulation can temporarily save an aging duct system.

It’s good to get into the habit of allowing a professional to service your furnace once per year. Waiting until the end of the heating season (the off-season) may give you faster service at a slight discount. If you have endured some home damage due to a furnace issue, smoke cleaning and remediation services are available that can usually clean up the mess to almost as good as new.

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